During my blog absence this week, I was planning, cooking, and then recovering from the Thanksgiving dinner I hosted for my immediate family. It was the first time I attempted to cook a formal dinner for them and whoo-whee!, was that an experience I'll not soon forget! I feel like I've been initiated into adulthood, LOL!
So what was on the menu for five adults and one toddler?

2. Thai-spiced Pumpkin Soup - This is the first time I've cooked anything with pumpkin since I'm not a fan of the taste. I thought the coconut milk and bit of curry would make it taste more familiar but it just ended up being weird. Oops. "No [pumpkin] soup for you!" - Seinfeld

4. Roasted brussels sprouts - perhaps a little too roasted? ;-)
5. Quinoa salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette. The quinoa salad had tomato, corn, and apple. Nice and light to balance out the rest of the meal.
6. Chickpea Cutlet Loaf. My pièce de résistance! I saw a few blogs using Veganomicon's chickpea cutlet for their loaf and I thought it was brilliant! I made a double batch of Isa's Doublebatch Chickpea Cutlet recipe so I could have two loaves. For the stuffings, I grounded up half of a Field Roast Meatloaf and sautéed it with onion, then added cornbread, chopped pecans, and Italian seasoning. I think the stuffing was my favorite part of dinner. So yum!

So that's my 2010 Thanksgiving dinner, whew! How was yours?
Lastly, food aside, I want to express thanks for all the blessings in my life, especially my family, my wheekers, and this big planet we call home. I am also thankful for terrific vegan community on Twitter and the blogs. You guys rock!
Happy Thanksgiving.